Q. How do I know if my pain will respond to
Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy?
A. As much as 85% of the pain people suffer from today is of myofascial origin, and most people
respond with a decrease in pain and an increase in range of motion once treatment has started. Your
feedback also helps the therapist and your doctor to
determine exactly where your pain is coming from, and treat you more effectively.
Q. How does Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy differ
from Physical Therapy, Myofascial Release, NMT,
Acupressure, Massage, Craniosacral or Rolfing?
A. Although other therapists have knowledge of myofascial trigger points, Myofascial Trigger Point
Therapists are specifically trained and specialize in the treatment of myofascial pain and dysfunction. You and your therapist will review your medical history, chart your pain patterns, evaluate your posture, and identify and treat your specific trigger points and their
perpetuating factors through a variety of manual
techniques. You will then be given a series of
stretching techniques that will strengthen your injured muscles while restoring full range of motion.
Q. Can I be treated with myofascial therapy
while undergoing other types of treatment?
A. Yes. Myofascial therapy is appropriate while undergoing other treatment as long as it fits as part of your primary physician's treatment plan. Physiatrists, rehabilitation specialists, biofeedback practitioners, chiropractors, physical therapists, and others have reported that myofascial therapy enhances the effectiveness of their treatments, and improves the patient's healing.
Please feel free to call us at 415-362-6274 if you have additional questions.